Why Choose The Next Chapter?

Many Florida seniors don’t have family members available to help them with the transition to a senior living community. Whether your children live far away, have busy careers or young children to care for—or perhaps you don’t have children— that leaves you packing and moving a lifetime of memories on your own, a task which can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. While there are companies that can help guide you through the various senior living options—and others that can help you pack and move, and certainly tons of real estate companies that are happy to sell your previous home, The Next Chapter is unique. We are able to handle all of these steps for you, seamlessly, under one roof. And, more importantly, we do so with a deep sense of empathy, care and respect for those seniors who we are proud to call our clients and friends.


Senior Living

Senior Living

Most moves bring with them a bit of anxiety, but the move to senior living can be especially stressful. That’s why The Next Chapter team is devoted to determining the best fit for each of our clients.


This task can be daunting, but when you work with The Next Chapter, take a deep breath and relax.
We’ve got you covered. We are professional organizers who can help you

Real Estate

If your move to a senior living community requires you to sell your current home, we have licensed real estate professionals who are happy to assist.

Empty Nester - Active Adult
Real Estate


Once you’ve decided where to move, you’re ready to face the next hurdle—downsizing, packing and physically moving to your new home. This task can be daunting, but when you work with The Next Chapter, take a deep breath and relax. We’ve got you covered. We are professional organizers who can help you:

  • Sort through your possessions and keep your treasured mementos

  • Organize an estate sale for less important/unnecessary items

  • Donate items that don’t sell

  • Carefully pack and label everything that comes with you

  • Ship items to far away family members

  • Evaluate and hire movers

  • Supervise on moving day

  • Assist with unpacking/organizing new home

  • Contact utilities, change your mailing address, etc.

One day soon, you’ll wake up comfortably settled in your new home and wonder why you ever worried about making this move. The Next Chapter makes your entire move pleasant and seamless. And, you’ll be surprised when you realize that your move manager has also become a friend.